A personality comprises several traits, including positive and negative ones. Arrogance and confidence are the two personality traits that distinguish two personalities.

This blog will discuss examples of confidence and arrogance, confidence vs. arrogance psychology, and more.

Please continue reading to learn more about how these traits affect your personality and how you must be vigilant about their use. 

Moreover, Positive Realist is a multi-discipline platform with a team of professionals trained in life and career coaching. They also help individuals build their personality by polishing specific skills.

Book us today if you consider working on your career, communication skills, and more. 

Read: 10 Reasons Why Is Self-Confidence Important To Success?

What is Confidence & its Benefits?

Confidence is a positive trait that stems from a deep belief in one’s abilities. It is an ability and can also be considered a skill that can save individuals from embarrassing situations.

In addition, it is a much-needed skill for professionals to stand for themselves and, when needed, for someone.

Most of the time, confidence is rooted in genes and comes from the parents, but it may vary in some cases.

A confident person has faith in their abilities and enough power to face challenges positively. Also, it comes from the experience when you are successful without relying on others.

Benefits of confidence:

Confidence is a personality-building trait with exceptional advantages in personal and professional life. For instance:

  • High self-esteem
  • You can ask what you need
  • Insecurity is not around you
  • You can easily make new friends
  • You feel relaxed in challenging situations.

What is Arrogance & its Examples?

Arrogance is a self-image of self-importance and superiority created by comparison with others.

People with arrogance lack empathy and tend to belittle others’ opinions and contributions.

Further, the need for constant validation fuels it and fires up a desire to maintain a fake elevated status.

Some examples of arrogance include:

  • Refusing to take help from others
  • Attempting to intimidate others
  • Putting people down in front of others
  • Showing off
  • Rude behavior
  • Fighting for winning in an opinion

What is the difference between Confidence vs. Arrogance?

One significant difference between confidence vs. arrogance is empathy. Being confident makes people help others, and they have a heart to feel the pain of others.

Confidence is a positive trait that comes with self-trust and helps take action for something suitable.

Additionally, confident people are clear about their conversations, satisfied with their actions, and have a clear vision of life.

On the other hand, arrogance brings negativity to a person’s personality, and the individuals feel reluctant to ask for help.

Furthermore, it threatens their peace of mind by comparing everything with others.

Upsides of Confidence:

Confident people are more welcoming and are more likely to celebrate, collaborate, and help others.

They take no second thoughts while asking for help. In addition, studies reveal that they take calculated risks 1.

They engage in healthy activities and grow by opting for growth opportunities. 

Moreover, other upsides of being confident include:

  • Capable and likable 
  • Self-sufficient
  • Have decision-making skills
  • Creative
  • Problem solvers

Downsides of Arrogance:

Arrogance can turn off workers in professional settings. People don’t like working with individuals who make others feel low or take pride in nothing.

In addition, colleagues at workplaces may flag you as a potential liability. Other downsides include:

  • Relationship damages
  • Pride gets in the way of success and growth
  • No new friendships and bonds
  • Harms workplace culture
  • Prevent people to trust you

How to be confident and not arrogant?

Being confident is way better than being arrogant and rude. Here, we share a few of the tips that can be helpful for you in growing at the workplace.

Moreover, follow these tips and get into a transformation from being arrogant to being confident:

1: Accept feedback 

Start with a simple step in taking constructive criticism with an open heart. Managers at the workplace typically focus more on the feedback, so you need to work on that instead of taking it to your heart.

To be confident and not arrogant, focus on your strengths and polish the skills required to stand out in your work environment.

2: Provide encouragement

Being confident means helping the people around you. You can start by offering your colleagues some simple words of positivity and encouragement.

Ask around if anyone needs help, and feel free to step ahead for others. Allow the positivity to spread around you, and try to be more communicative and collaborative in a professional workplace.

3: Learn from mistakes

We are human beings; we make mistakes now and then and find ways to correct them.

For instance, if you made a mistake about your project, admit it first and then discuss how to handle it.

Likewise, take lessons from your past mistakes and avoid them. This will show your supervisors that you are trying to improve and have confidence enough to admit what’s wrong and right.

It will help you strengthen your position at work.

Final words:

To sum up, having confidence is acceptable to society, but arrogance has no way around it.

Another difference between confidence and arrogance is body language that others can easily understand.

Try to be confident, not arrogant, as people start flagging off such people. Be empathic and learn how to be secure rather than complacent.


How can I be confident but not arrogant?

Watch out for your words and try to collaborate with others. Start a conversation and look for the ways by which you can benefit others. Own your mistakes and try to rectify them in time. 

Can confident people be arrogant?

Yes, when the perspective is lost, confidence people start showing arrogance.

Moreover, individuals are also being rude and arrogant when they have gained some benefit from others or want to dismiss others. 

Is there a thin line between arrogance and confidence?

The line drawn between arrogance and confidence is empathy. Confidence is a trait that involves expressing your abilities, while arrogance is finding yourself above others.

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